Medicare doesn’t have to be confusing. We can help.

Upcoming Classes in Lafayette & Youngsville

Class: MEDICARE 101

Prefer a one on one call or need a different date or time?

Click to book an appointment.

Lafayette West Regional Library 

501 Old Spanish Trail, Scott, LA 70583

Saturday, May 11th 1PM-2PM

Youngsville Library (East Regional)

215 La Neuville Rd, Youngsville, LA 70592

Tuesday, May 18th 1PM-2PM

What you’ll learn:

  • How and when to enroll.

  • What to do if you plan to keep working

  • Avoid ALL the tricky Medicare penalties.

  • Understand the difference between Supplemental and Advantage plans.

  • Part D (Prescription) Tips & Tricks to save money

  • 3 Things to do annually AFTER you enroll in Medicare

These topics and more in easy to understand terms and everything we cover we provide for you to take home to have in the future.