
Medicare Part B Deductible

  • How much is the Part B deductible for 2024? The total 2024 Part B deductible is $240 for the year. No benefit periods apply to Part B coverage.

    What is a deductible? A deductible is the amount you pay for certain medical expenses or prescription drugs before your insurance plan starts paying any of the costs.

    What is Medicare Part B?

    Medicare Part B covers most doctor services, including those you receive while hospitalized, as well as outpatient therapy and the rental or purchase of durable medical equipment, which is equipment your doctor prescribes because it is medically necessary, like blood sugar monitor test strips, walkers or wheelchairs. After your deductible is met, it’s typical to pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for these services.

    How do I avoid paying out of pocket expenses like the deductible? You can buy private Medicare Supplement insurance to cover Medicare’s out-of-pocket expenses, including the hospital deductible (depending on the plan you choose.).

Medicare in 2 easy steps

  • Medicare can be a maze. Attend a 60 minute education session where we make Medicare easy to understand. Then you will work with a local trained Medicare professional to review your options so you can make a decision you are comfortable with as you move into retirement.

  • Don’t buy something from somone that only sells one product. An independent agent works with dozens of companies and wll help you analyze the plan that is best for you.

Stop stressing about Medicare

  • We focus 100% of our time on Medicare and are your expert to call with questions or when you have a problem.

  • Our job is to work with you now and on and once a year going forward t review your coverage and explain any changes that are happening with Medicare. .