We believe that everyone deserves local, dedicated support when selecting Medicare Health Insurance.   

Medicare University LLC is a Christ-centered company.

Our passion is to help people that need Medicare and other insurance products by making them simple to understand and to provide trustworthy guidance so you can make confident decisions. 

You can call us any time.   In addition, we will reach out to you annually to review Medicare changes and any changes in your plan choices.    

Through our values and operating principals we seek to:

Serve God and serve others (Phil 2:3-4)

Be honest and trustworthy (1 Cor 4:2)

Practice diligence and excellence (Col 3:23-24)

How do we serve our clients?

We conduct free workshops so you can gain the knowledge you need.

We provide consulting free of charge that considers your personal situation and provide recommendations from the 100’s of options available to you. We represent dozens of Medicare plans and so recommend plans that fit your needs. We are local and understand the market.

We are always here for you to review your plan or to help you solve any health care insurance issues. You can contact your broker direct and we’ll reach out when it’s time for an annual review to make sure you continue to have the best plan.

If you plan to continue working after turning 65 we can do a side-by-side comparison of Medicare options to your current group coverage to help you analyze the best option.

Meet the Team

  • Tammy Redmon

    FOUNDER Medicare University & Director Louisiana Region

    Undergraduate degree in Finance and a Masters in Global Leadership

    Tammy traveled the world leading 100+ million dollar technology programs for Communications carriers such as Verizon, AT&T, Vodafone as well as Health Care programs for CIGNA, & Becton Dickenson. Combining the knowledge she gained in technology and healthcare she founded Medicare University to support people in managing through the confusing maze of Medicare options.

  • Raegan Felker

    Director, Texas Region

    Raegan Felker was born in Texas, raised & educated in Oklahoma and got back to Texas as fast as he could. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in Church Music from Oklahoma Baptist University, he launched into full-time church ministry. After serving in Dalhart, Tx and Lubbock, Tx, he moved to Arlington, Tx where he transitioned to the Insurance industry. Over the last decade he has been serving the State of Texas as a licensed, independent insurance broker. His licensure and experience includes Medicare, Health, Dental, Vision, Prescription Drug, and Life insurance.

    He became involved with Medicare after attempting to help his own mother navigate the maze that is Medicare. When you attend a seminar or work with Raegan one-on-one, his heart for serving others will become abundantly clear.

  • Holly Felker

    Business Director

    Holly Felker is a native Texan. Born and raised in Dallas, she has been calling Arlington, TX. home since 1992. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from Baylor University (Sic 'em Bears!) in Waco, TX. She has had successful careers in both criminal justice and Information Technology recruiting for several international companies including, most recently, Amazon. In her role at Medicare University, she is responsible for customer relationships and service. She is married to Raegan Felker and when she is not busy supporting Medicare University, she is busy in her flower garden and taking care of their 2 12-lb dogs, Annie & Pete Townsend.